Neighbourhood Meeting - Proposed Development (808-836 Courtland Avenue East) - This event has already occurred
Wednesday, October 23, 2024 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Public Meetings
Virtual Zoom Meeting
The City of Kitchener has received Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment applications to facilitate a mixed-use development containing 3 high-rise residential towers (22, 27 and 30 storeys), situated on a shared podium (977 dwelling units). The podium would contain commercial uses (532.1m2). Various amenities and common areas would be provided throughout. Most parking would be within a parking structure, though some surface parking is proposed. 509 parking spaces and 733 bicycle parking spaces are proposed. The amendments would allow a Floor Space Ratio of 7.0 and a building height of 102.6 metres / 30 storeys, among other matters.
This meeting is your opportunity to:
- Learn more about the proposed application and how the process works
- Let City staff know your thoughts on the proposal
- Ask questions of City staff and the applicant
For more information, please visit
To connect to the virtual meeting, go to and enter meeting ID #832 4670 3605. To participate by telephone, please dial 1.647.558.0588 and enter meeting ID #832 4670 3605 when prompted.
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